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Prices of Solicitors

In some other countries, each party pays the legal fees of their respective lawyers. This is different in the case of United Kingdom.

The solicitors' fees vary and the means of charging clients also varies. Some solicitors might charge hourly rates or rates by hour as well, but with a maximum price ceiling. Another way of doing it is by identifying a fixed amount which is to be agreed upon by the solicitor and the client.

The next method would be through a speculative basis in which the solicitor would charge based on the outcome of the case. This method is done through the Conditional Fee Agreement which is also known as the No Win No Pay System. The solicitor will have a choice of representing cases which have greater chances of winning. If the case is lost, then the losing party will have to settle the legal fees of the other party in what is known as party-to-party costs.

There might still be some fees which will have to be paid regardless of the result of the case. These fees might include disbursement and other fees incidental to the conduct of the case. All provisions regarding this CFA have to be concurred with by both the solicitor and the client.

The amount of the fee will depend on the level of expertise of the solicitor, the location and the urgency of the case.
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